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in Virginia | CALL NCG  (540) 400-7358
We create a virtual backup of your entire IT setup, from files to servers. Whether you suffer catastrophic damage or just blow a fuse, as soon as you can connect to the internet, you can pick up where you left off.

Virginia Tech Support 

in Virginia | CALL NCG (540) 400-7358
NCG believes it is important to invest in our business community of downtown Roanoke and beyond. We have clients who we have worked with more than twenty-four years and many others who we have served for over a decade. We never pass client projects on to outside contractors. No client is too big or too small.


IT Support Virginia | CALL NCG (540) 400-7358
Addressing new security threats is an ongoing concern and difficulty. We monitor every part of your system regularly to make sure you have the best protection available.

Virginia IT Solutions 

Together, we can make great things happen for your business. The IT professionals at NCG will help you increase productivity by ensuring you never have to worry about tech management again.
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