August 12, 2020

Data Security And The Many Benefits Provided

Data Security And The Many Benefits Provided

Data Security

Credit cards have been evolving over the past several years. They are making constant updates to protect customers through things like pin numbers, chips, 2 factor, card-free ATMs, and other options that protect the card and it's data.
These companies continue to do this because security threats are increasing at a frightening rate.
You should treat your business data in the same manner. If you're still using basic antivirus software your business isn't protected from a wide manor of threats that plague businesses today. You need to analyze your systems and see where your weaknesses are to really be able to protect your business.

Data security isn't something to be put off as the risk of your business being exposed to a threat has never been greater. Between that, hardware failing, a natural disaster, or data loss from faulty tech, you have a lot to gain from looking closer at your data security.

Take a look at these 5 steps to put you on the right track.

Look Over Your Current Setup

This involves creating a detailed list of all your devices, programs, hard drives, and current security services.

Create a detailed list of each of your devices, programs, hard drives, and other security systems. Find where they are weakest or what areas aren't covered in your business. Are all of these devices cared for regularly. Are you keeping the most software to it's most up-to-date version? Are there areas to streamline certain cross-platform functionality? Go over these points with the team until you have nice list of actionable tasks to go through.

Double Your Data Backups

It's very likely that your business is going to be burned by device failure. The worst feeling is going to an old backup and finding that the hard drive is fried. Keeping a redundant copy in the cloud adds a comfortable layer of safety. It will negate the risk of hard drive failure and other physical damages like electrical surges.

Plan for Optimization

Now that you've assessed your tech, software, and data backups, now is the time to optimize.

There's a lot to be said about keeping all of your options in a single platform like Microsoft 365 but to keep it short it provides loads of benefits for easy communication and file sharing throughout your business. Additionally, consolidating your software minimizes the security risks that are normally present when moving your data between different platforms.

Preparing For The Worst Scenario

Now with your fully streamlined and optimized system, you're going to need a business continuity plan for the worst-case scenario. Although your data is now secure, how soon after an unforeseen event can your business become operational? Do your team members have a set of steps to go through and who is in charge of what?

A quality plan will anticipate various possibilities, give detailed protocol, assign responsibilities, be practiced regularly, and be updated as personnel and needs change.

Go Above The Average

While everything you’ve done so far has certainly increased your data security and protected against myriad threats, there will always be room and need to do more.

While all the previous steps have gotten your business in tip-top shape, how long is it going to last? As previously stated, threats are evolving and there's always more room to grow.

Managed IT Services are the best and most consistent way to ensure every bit of your data storage and use remains optimized and secure for years to come.


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